Mental Health News Radio

Independent Minds In Conversation with Teodrose Fikre of The Ghion Journal



A few years ago, Teodrose Fikre was an Associate at Booz Allen Hamilton making a six figure salary consulting agencies at the Pentagon, Fort Belvoir and Department of Treasury and a wide array of defense and civil agencies throughout the Washington, DC metro area.  I provided IT and business process improvement consultation for an alphabet soup of federal agencies and led a very comfortable life. I built up an "impressive array" of credentials and degrees; an MBA from Johns Hopkins, a PMP certification as well as a six sigma certified project manager. From the outside, I was the quintessential American success story. But these things, titles and accomplishments, could not fill the void I felt as accomplishments for the sake of accomplishment always felt like I was chasing unfulfilling pavements.Then the swerve of life happened and in a fell swoop, I fell into a crevice of turbulence. Equal parts malicious imposition and my own imprudence took me from upper-middle class comforts to day to day distress that com