Super Hoopers

Super Hoopers - The Hoopers Save America



The Hoopers talk politics for the first 15 minutes before turning to the NBA. The Hoopers answer a host of burning questions: Who is the White House leaker? Are Jon’s politics takes as bad as his NBA takes? Which star will be traded first? What is the real reason for the Lakers wacky off season signings? Which team will be brought down from the inside? Then, in a very special shout out and beefs, Dave tells us about his early sexual experiences. •    White House Leaker/ Politics talk•    Which team will be brought down from within?•    The real reason for the Lakers wacky signings•    First star traded?•    Let’s help Durant get well•    Get @me, Dog (Jaylen Brown)•    Shout Out and Beefs (the Shop/Hamilton, Rockets beach photo, Jonathan Isaac) Get@me,Dawg tweets--