Marketing In Your Car - The Archives

Episode #190 – I Finally Know Now Why People Wear White Shirts Every Single Day



The post Episode #190 – I Finally Know Now Why People Wear White Shirts Every Single Day appeared first on Blog - Weird Marketing Experiments That Increase Traffic, Conversions and Sales.... What is t-shirt video publishing schedule?... On today's episode Russell realizes why other marketers wear white shirts every single day. He also talks about why he hasn't worn white shirts in the past, but why now he might consider it. Here are 3 cool things to hear in this episode: Why Russell has to go buy all new clothes for Funnel Hacking Live. How if you watch enough videos of Russell you will know his shirt rotation. And why Russell is considering wearing boring dress shirts every single day. So listen below to hear about Russell's t-shirt drama and learn which of Russell's shirts are his favorites. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading Episode #190 – I Finally Know Now Why People Wear White Shirts Every Single Day, originally pu