
21: (Re-Air) - Overcoming imposter syndrome with Suzie Nieman



Hello Everyone! This is a re-airing of Episode 21 with Suzie Nieman. Girl Develop It was just awarded $50,000 at the WeWork Creator awards, so we thought it was a great time to showcase Tiffany's interview with Suzie, the co-lead of Philadelphia's Girl Develop It chapter. • https://technical.ly/philly/2018/09/18/girl-develop-it-wins-50000-at-wework-creator-awards/ • Tiffany speaks with Suzie Nieman, a rock-star woman with her sights set on increasing inclusivity in tech. Suzie works as a technical project manager for Four Kitchens, a digital agency, and volunteers as co-lead for Girl Develop It Philadelphia, the local chapter of a national non-profit providing education and support for women entering tech. They speak at length about Suzie's unusual journey into coding and project management, how she overcomes challenges, and how she's at a point in her career where she is gaining confidence. Links:• https://www.linkedin.com/in/suzie-nieman-931978148/ •• https://www.suzienieman.com/ •• https://twitter.com/four