Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

Cancer Stats found to Skyrocket around Nuclear Reactors



Joseph Mangano is a health researcher, an epidemiologist who has serves as Executive Director of Radiation and Public Health Project. Mangano is author or co-author of 33 medical journal articles on radiation health. He is the author of the books Low Level Radiation and Immune System Damage: An Atomic Era Legacy (1998) and Radioactive Baby Teeth: The Cancer Link (2008). Mangano managed the study of Strontium-90 in baby teeth, and now manages the citizen-based radiation monitoring programs near the Indian Point NY and Oyster Creek NJ nuclear plants. Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness): According to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, just because the San Onofre Nuclear Power station is permanently closed, there is no need for cybersecurity protection! So it has allowed Southern California Edison to remove it — even thought there is still “spent” fuel rods containing weapons-grade plutonium on site!