Rusted Culture Podcast

Episode 49 Fusion GPS Transcripts and the “Bannon Hedge”



Show notes for the Rusted Culture Podcast Episode 49 Fusion GPS Transcripts and the Bannon Hedge -Senator Feinstein has two new Trump administration officials lined up for testimony, one of which was Donald’s former golf caddy *Senator Feinstein releases the Glenn Simpson testimony, all 312 pages -link to Bloomberg article on how TrumpSoHo condo project may have been a place for funds to be parked from a failed Kazakhstan bank named BTA -what concerned Glenn Simpson the most about Trump? -“Still Hacking” McMaster takes the charge on admitting the Russians are still at it with the Catalonia vote and the upcoming Mexican elections..but guess what? -State Of The Union with Jake Tapper last Sunday had a creepy ending -Jared Kushner is prospering with financial ties to Israel -The Bombshell book that brought Bannon down and still eats away at Trump -Here’s how the Bannon Hedge works... -California gets NO love