Rusted Culture Podcast

Episode 48 Russian Investigation: Strzok Texts Misconstrued; Still Hacking.. ; US Influence Fading



Rusted Culture Show notes The Russian Investigation is always ‘page 1’: Glenn Simpson from Fusion GPS speaks out -it’s looking like a follow the money deal here with the Russian Investigation and even Steve Bannon seems to get it The FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page texts were misused by conservative media here’s how.. -remember the ‘insurance policy’ text hype, that’s what I am talking about Recap of the three main (Russian) hacks.. The Labor Department’s getting fake comments now on the ‘Fiduciary Rule’ under consideration Trumps disdain for ‘Intel’ May have deep roots Next suggestion from Republicans.. let’s move the Mueller Grand Jury to South Dakota.. Now it’s on to how Trump is affecting our ability to negotiate peace between Israel and Palestinians, and between North and South Korea and ultimately our ability to de-escalate the nuclear tensions..