Church Planter Starter Kit

11: A Plan and the Apps to Make Blogging for Pastors a Snap



Gone are the days of writing an epic blog post all on your own. There are some great apps you can use to make writing easier. Plus, using these apps makes you a better writer. Today’s episode continues on the topic of why, what, and how pastors should blog. THE SECRET: Relax! Approach Blogging Like A Dairy Farmer…Milk More Out Of Last Week’s Great Sermon. Think back to last week. You prepared a sermon, preached a sermon, recorded your sermon, and put it online, right? That was a lot of work for a 30–45-minute window. But what if you could get way more missional bang for your buck? With blogging, you can. As we’ve discussed, blogging is a great way to repurpose content you already have—like that sermon! Even better, you can put on your missionary hat. Now use your articles to answer the specific questions of your culture. Think of your article as a chance to go a little deeper into gospel application for the non-church-goer you long to reach. 3 Things You’ll Discover About Blogging in This Episode: 1. A