Rusted Culture Podcast

66 The VA’s Frankenstein Dog Experiments and Sleazy Stone Gets Nervous



Episode 66 The Rusted Culture Podcast Jimmy Buffet concert for Gillum as Florida Governor Do you realize how much information your web browser is collecting about you right now? -what is being collected and what you can do about it.. USA Today reports the VA is using dogs for useless fatal experimentation? -is it not enough that we fight corrupt, lying politicians everyday now we have to fight the VA for killing dogs in Frankenstein type experiments. If you love dogs please listen to this and then help stop it with a donation to this non profit organization called the “White Coat Project” which is dedicated to stopping experiments on dogs by the Federal Government. A Pleasant Koch Brothers Surprise.... Drama Builds around Roger Stone in Mueller probe.. You knew this was coming didn’t you? I think the Sleazy Stone has more to offer the Mueller probe than he thinks..