Define Your Purpose With Estela

Episode 50: Setting Your Intentions



Setting Your Intentions are so important in your life. Setting your personal intentions are connecting your values, beliefs & goals to what matters most to you in life. What are the goals that you have accomplished or want to accomplish in your life? What are your values as a person? What are your beliefs that define you as a person?  What are Intentions? An intention is a purposeful direction of thought that contains the beginning of something in which you aim to create. How to Define your Intentions What do you want to accomplish in 10 years? Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What do you see yourself doing? Where do you see yourself living? What are the top 3 things that are most important to you? What are your top 3 goals? What are 3 ways you can accomplish each goal? How do you intend on living your best life while standing in your beliefs & values while accomplishing your goals?  Lastly, know who you are as a person. Get yourself & your life in balance to focus on your individual growth