Define Your Purpose With Estela

Episode 48: Being Genuine as a Woman



Smile through the bullshit, fake friends & shady women who do not genuinely support other women.    Beginning this journey has been a process of growth & realization. There is so much that I can say about those women who have been in my life & in my corner. Those women who have known me since I began this journey within Social Media as an experiment of acceptance for myself. I wanted to feel empowered & inspired by other women who began this journey like I did, for passion & the love of beauty. I also wanted to finally accept & love myself completely because I felt imperfect & curvy. I felt like I didn’t belong & found a sense of community & purpose with other women in my life. In this industry, we are taught to be competitive, to be better & more creative than the other person even though their artistry is different. We are taught to keep our circle small but yet be non-judgmental of one another, however, we do not live up to this standard? Why? Because the next per