Define Your Purpose With Estela

Episode 42: Failing is part of the Process



Do you need to define your success by someone else's definition? What determines your success? As a content creator, I have learned that failing is part of the process. Do not compare yourself to someone else despite what they share on social media. Stop comparing yourself to others based on their individual success. Stop saying that you are “failing” because you are not doing what they are doing. The power of success lies within you. Failing will give you the tools to motivate and inspire you as a woman & person. I want you to be empowered to define your own success. What are the three things that would define success for you? 1. 2. 3. Love the process and appreciate your journey. Failing is something powerful because it adds to your story. It teaches you that no matter what obstacles or hurdles you face, you have the ability and strength to change your life. This is going to make you stronger and better in this world. Take each lesson from every obstacles you face and share it as your story to inspire o