Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

"Responding to the Word of God" - MORNING SERVICE 12022018



On Sunday morning I preached what could easily be considered a follow up text for last week’s message about “the sower and the seed.”  Jesus’ “parable of the lamp”, from Luke 8:16-18, talks about responding to God’s Word.  I told my congregation that Christians need to respond to God’s Word, and the Gospel message of Jesus’ death and resurrection, by (1) Speaking the Word [evangelism] and (2) Hearing the Word [personal discipleship].  Christians need to constantly grow in their faith by talking to God through prayer, listening to Him through His Word and fellowshipping with Him through His Church.  If we are actively “hearing” the Word of God then we will be much more effective at “speaking” the Word of God to others around us.       Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio Morning Service On December 2, 2018 Series: Preaching through the Gospel of Luke Sermon Title: "Responding to the Word of God" Scripture Text: Luke 8:16