Krav Maga

004 Fighting Back (and why we should) - Krav Maga Podcast



The Truth about fighting BackFor more go to Is resistance an effective strategy for preventing crime?   Almost all studies show that resistance is successful in preventing the completion of a personal crime.  This holds true in rape, robbery, and assault (23).  Resistance is an especially effective tactic in preventing most rapes.  A woman who physically resists a rapist doubles her chance of escaping rape (24). and that even includes NOT having proper training. Woman with self defense training have outstanding odds. In fact,   sociologist Jocelyn Hollander did a study and           looks at the outcomes for 117 college students who received this self-defense training versus a control group of 169 students who did not. Of those, seventy-five from the first group and 108 from the second agreed to take part in a follow-up survey or interview. The results are clear: a much lower percentage of the women who took the self-defense class reported incidents of unwanted sexual contact than t