Inventors Launchpad Network

LJS1e9 – The Licensing Jungle Explores with Kentucky’s Inventors Council President.



Don Skaggs is an inventor, entrepreneur, developer and marketer of products in a wide range of industries. Among the many projects he has worked in both past and present, Don is President of the Inventors Network KY, a nonprofit that helps inventors and entrepreneurs through education and support services. In addition to his work at the Inventors Network KY, Don also conducts a myriad of speaking engagements - including a national audience at the Engadget Expand conference in NYC. The Inventors Launchpad Network – Is proud to present The Licensing Jungle, Co-Hosted by licensing expert Mr. Jeffrey Mangus of Product Coach USA and Carmine Denisco, Managing Partner with Inventors Launchpad. As a Product Licensing Coach Jeffrey’s greatest strength is that he can simplify what you would like to accomplish into an easily implementable step-by-step plan. Helping you without the need to for him have extensive knowledge in your product or area of expertise because you are the inventor, the ex