Inventors Launchpad Network

S2e54 - What does Steve Harvey and a Hose Hooker have in Common?



Lori was frustrated when washing her dog, needing a third hand to hold the hose while soaping, scrubbing, and rinsing. Joanne is a mother of four active kids and grew tired of her laundry room being muddied by dirty sports equipment, she wanted an easy way for the kids to clean their equipment and cleats before coming into the house. So one day over lunch, coffee and a few drinks the Hose Hooker was born. FUNDERDOME with Steve Harvey is a seed-funding competition reality series where two budding entrepreneurs go head-to-head to win over a live studio audience to fund their ideas, products or companies. The audience represents the "customer" and, as the customer is always right, they vote to determine the winner. But the entrepreneurs will face a major dilemma: one of them is allowed to cash out and walk away for less money. But if an entrepreneur cashes out, they forgo the opportunity to win the whole cash prize for that round—a good move if they lost the crowd vote, but a bad move if they would have won it.