Inventors Launchpad Network

S2e39 – Finance Your Own Invention, No Investors Needed.



When one meets Dr. Victoria Brown, they can immediately gauge her professionalism and skill. Her 12 years plus of experience in business development was birthed just outside her being involuntarily laid off from a full-time position at a major non-profit organization, in which she was instrumental in securing and managing millions of dollars of grant funding. With tears in her eyes that day and faith in her heart, she was able to shift her focus to what was necessary in establishing her rightful place as the Founding CEO of a successful community service organization for youth, young adults, and families serving the inner city of Detroit, Michigan. Victoria has traveled extensively, working with corporations and ministries serving on various business development projects including creating, branding, and building corporate identities with proven models for rebuilding entities through developed marketing strategies. Dr. Brown is the founder of Jireh Business Consulting, a non-profit 501 c 3 non-traditional bus