Inventors Launchpad Network

S2e32 – Tony Rogers CEO of Creative Mechanism is Helping Inventors make the Right Choices with His Expert Advice.



At Creative Mechanisms, we engineer ideas into reality, from the most rudimentary back-of-the-napkin sketches to a fully-functioning model. We understand that even though you've been asked for a prototype, the only thing that will really satisfy is a product, which can be packaged and put on the shelves. The market often dictates tight deadlines, because there's no point in putting out a product if consumer interest has waned. With our market-driven focus, we look beyond simply creating a working prototype and look towards getting your product on the shelves before the concept goes stale. We don't just make prototypes - we make products. Products which are designed to be manufactured in your facilities. Products which are designed to be appealing, useful, and problem-solving. It's time to stop designing in the dark, never being sure what you're going to get as a prototype, or when it will finally arrive. It's time to consider Creative Mechanisms The Inventors Launchpad – Roadmap to