Inventors Launchpad Network

S2e17 – Mompreneur, Product Developer and Author Mindee Hardin is Helping Her Clients Balance Work, Inventing and Family Life, Yes it can be Done!



Mindee Hardin the inventor of Boogie Wipes, saline wipes for kids noses. She started Juicebox Moms in 2011 to offer “Juicy Grab & Go Goodness for Moms in Business.” Mindee is an eternal optimist, she started Juicebox Consulting after experiencing the ups and downs in the invention and retail Industry, seeing there was a true need to help people, supplying them guidance and education before they ran into issues as she The Inventors Launchpad – Roadmap to Success Series is presented by Inventors Launchpad in beautiful Tampa Bay, FL and hosted by Carmine Denisco. Carmine is an accomplished Author, Entrepreneur, Inventor and Co-founder/Managing Partner of Inventors Launchpad. Along with his business partner Rick Valderrama has changed the face of the invention industry and look forward to helping inventors from all over the world move their ideas forward. For more information please visit