Rusted Culture Podcast

68: Trump Just Wasted 2 Years On Healthcare; More Storms Ahead For Trump



68: Trump Just Wasted 2 Years On Healthcare; More Trump storms ahead What a waste. In the past two years, Trump could have been fixing what wasn’t working “right” with The Affordable Care Act.. instead, republicans have done everything to sleazily dilute, kick and now almost kill the Affordable Care Act.. as an American, you should be disgusted. Judge Reed O’Connors half baked judgement is now off to the 5th Circuit Court Of Appeals so let them know your healthcare and all the provisions that go with it are important to you and should be improved for all Americans, not killed: US Court Of Appeals For The 5th Circuit 600 Camp St. New Orleans, LA 70130 Attn: clerk Lyle W. Cayce