Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

72. Fear Prevents Action with Thom Shea



Fear. What is Fear? Why is fear so prevalent in our society? It sure seems so many people are gripped with fear in all aspects of their life. People seem afraid to fail, seem afraid to speak in public, afraid to get and stay in shape, afraid to love or be loved, afraid to win, afraid to say I a sorry. Fear, from my point of view is everywhere. Sign up for: www.unbreakablelessons.com I find it odd because in the seal community fear doesn’t really exist. Being scared yes scared does exist, but fear doesn’t. So what is fear? Fear is an emotion that when felt prevents action. That is all it is. Fear is designed to prevent you from doing whatever you are afraid of doing. Let me say that again fear prevents action. Fear is an emotion. And like all other emotions has a particular outcome. Did you know that emotions are there to produce a predicable outcome in your life? The outcome of fear is simple to not be able to take action regarding the thing that you are afraid of. Notice what you are afraid of in your life?