Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

62. Navy SEAL Teams and the Legacy of Courage



Where does courage come from? What does it take to live a life of courage? You have to make up your mind that the things that have stopped you in the past, the things that convinced you to quit or give up, will no longer have that sway with you.  Be wiling to fail.  Push your limits.  Push them often.  Challenge the norm.  Challenge every thing.  Even the simple things that isolate you. Challenge them as well.  Go a day without food or water.  Double down one day on business – make 20 phone calls not 10.  Try to make twice the amount of money.  Push your limit physically, walk for 24 hours.  Push your relationship by finally sharing your failures with the one you love.  The life of courage can be had. By anyone willing to do the work. Do it.  Be brave, be bold, be unbreakable. Learn the Unbreakable Lessons Now