Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio

"The Miracles of Christ" - MORNING SERVICE 01062019



Yesterday we returned to the Gospel of Luke.  We looked at the story of Jesus casting out the many demons of a demonic man who lived amongst the tombs.  After Christ “cured” the man, we found two completely different reactions to the miraculous power of Christ.  The first was one of fear and rejection.  The people of the area completely rejected what took place (and Jesus) because of fear.  The second reaction was one of faith and obedience.  The formally possessed man wanted to leave with Jesus but Christ told him to stay and tell those around him about what took place; which is what he did.  My question for you is “What is your reaction to the miracles of Christ?”  One of fear and rejection or one of faith and obedience? Choose Jesus today.  Sermon by Pastor Dan Squezello At Central Baptist Church, Niles, Ohio Morning Service On January 6, 2019 Sermon Title: "The Miracles of Jesus" Scripture Text: Luke 8:26-39 https://archive.org/download/TheMiraclesOfCh