Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

Nuclear Numnutz of the Year 2018 – SPECIAL!



A look back at 2018 through the lens of Nuclear Hotseat’s most popular feature, Numnutz of the Week. Listen to the wacky antics of the world’s most dangerous technology as it sails through: Japan’s hard work to “normalize” Fukushima and its radiation so the tourists dumb enough to show up for the 2020 Radioactive Tokyo Olympics will think that everything is AOK! US nuclear crews who opt for “high” crimes and misdemeanors – not once but twice! Ancient, decrepit or just irrelevent so-called “experts” opining to a transfixed mainstream media in support of nukes… when they have nothing to do with them. The ongoing Fukushima Food Fight – whether it’s propaganda on the ground selling Fuku sake to New York hipsters or Japan taking South Korea and now Taiwan to the World Trade Organization to try to ram Fukushima fish down the throats of safety-conscious residents of other countries. Department of Energy playing word games to make us believe that high level waste is really low level waste – and