One Life Podcast With Chris And Jenni

42: The Power of Habits



In this week’s episode we’re celebrating one year together as a podcast community! What an incredible ride it’s been! We could not be more grateful for each and every one of you who listen and share in this journey with us as we learn together what it means to live our one life well! One of our very favorite parts of every episode happens when we ask each guest the same three questions: What’s a book that’s changed your life? What’s a habit that’s changed your life? What advice would you give to the younger you? It’s always so powerful to hear the wisdom that pours out as our guests respond. So, to celebrate our one year podcastaversary, we thought it would be fun to devote an entire episode to looking back at some of the answers to these questions that have impacted us most. In this episode you’ll hear life changing habits from John and Stasi Eldredge, Alli Worthington, Dave Barnes, Suzanne Stabile, Havilah Cunnington, Aaron Niequist and more! Now it’s your turn. What’s a habit that’s changed you