Life In A Leo

Episode 40: Interview with Olympian and total inspiration, Betty Okino



This week on Life in a Leo, I interviewed the amazing Betty Okino. Betty was part of the 1992 USA Olympic Team. This was the first team to win a medal at the Olympics. This was a time when the athletes had to compete both compulsory and optional routines. Betty was known for her beautiful lines and gracefulness. She has a couple skills named after her. The most famous being the triple turn on beam.  What I loved about talking to Betty was how much mental toughness she displayed through her career in the sport. She had so much drive and determination that she was able to overcome her fears and achieve her dream of becoming an Olympian.  Betty has continued to stay involved in the sport, giving back and building on the qualities she thinks make it so unique and important in young girls (and boys) lives. Betty has recently joined the National Team Staff, she also runs her own camp called Peak Training, and choreographs routines all over the country. If you want to learn more, check out www.bettyochoreo