Superhero Academy Podcast

Peter Diamandis: Being Bold



Are you looking to impact the world? Leave behind a legacy and really do big things? Ya I thought I was too until I came across Peter Diamandis' work and more importantly frame of mind. Having now read his books and met the man behind an enormously impressive carrera I must say it really made my small challenges in business and in life seem trivial and made me look to step things up in a huge way. For some background incase you are unfamiliar with Peter's work, he is the founder or co-founder of 17 remarkably huge businesses throughout su carrera so far including: X Prize Foundation - $10 million prizes and challenges for teams who solves some of worlds biggest problems Planetary Resources - Preparing to mine asteroids in space Human Longevity - a company mapping the human genome and making it affordable and accessible to do in hopes of extender average human life by at least 30 or 40 years Singularity University - "educate, inspire and empower leaders to apply exponential technologies to address humanity’