Superhero Academy Podcast

Searching for Trees With Christian Kroll From || Superhero Academy Podcast Ep. 19



Superhero Academy Podcast Christian Kroll - For full notes and key points, please visit LINKSOON For full notes and key points, please visit LINKSOON Summary In this podcast, Marc Coppla interviews Christian Kroll, the CEO and Founder of, a search engine for a cause that plants trees according to the searches you make through the site. The whole climate crisis is a global crisis and with only a few clicks on your browser, you can help plant trees and help in Ecosia's cause of Rainforest protection and reforestation. They talk about how most of the company's revenue goes to tree planting and how they would need us to spread the word about Ecosia so that it could gain more following. In the long run, Ecosia aims to expand and have more projects in other regions of the world aside from Argentina. Ecosia is continuously improving the browser experience for its users and hope to gain more support through the Ecosia Embassy. With Ecosia, 'slacktivism' is possible. With just a few clicks, we