Unlock The Leader's Code

S1 Ep 3 - Philosophy Of The Bamboo Tree - Getting To The Kore 2014



Visit http://bit.ly/TitoKangBlog for more like this. ** except from my blog ** Achievers and Super Achievers have a Kode (Code) that they execute to accomplish their desired level of Success. The Codes are some times kept secret in a vault or behind closed doors. But most achievers put it out in the open. It is up to us to find the source and hack into it.  This is done through search, research, interviews, mentorships with achievers and super achievers around the planet and in any field.  Today’s Hack is about how a simple plant like the Bamboo shows us how we must persevere to achieve our greatest level of strengths and how even mother nature can be with us and against us.  Live, Love, Learn and Enjoy! Make Today BAMDIGIOUS! TYPS! Tito P.S. If you'd like to get to know me better, feel free to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram. Click the links below to do so now... http://bit.ly/titokangFB http://bit.ly/TitoKangTwitter http://bit.ly/TitoKangInstagram Most importantly be sure to stop