Blue Streak Science Podcast

097: Opportunity Lost. InSight Gained.



During his radio show “The Saint” in 1947 actor Vincent Price delivered a message that is, unfortunately, as relevant today as it was 72 years ago. On This Week’s Show Ukraine's science revolution stumbles Opportunity lost InSight gained Life began to move 2.1 billion years ago The Pub Quiz And a special appearance by Mr. Vincent Price Science News with Dr. Amrita Sule, and Chris MacAlister Ukraine’s science revolution stumbles five years on Amrita Sule Around five years ago in February 2014 a revolution took place in Ukraine known as the “Euromaidan” revolution, or the “Revolution of Dignity”, which ended with change in the leadership. The new leadership in Ukraine aligned with European Union. This raised hopes among scientists that more fruitful collaborations will form with the western world. Initially this looked very promising. In 2015 Ukraine was able to apply for EU research programs and in 2016 a law was passed to strengthen science, technology and innovation. However, five years