Coaching For Leaders

177: How to Start a Conversation With Anyone



Mark Sieverkropp walks through six steps that will help all of us start a conversation with anyone, anywhere. Mark Sieverkropp Author, How to Start a Conversation With Anyone Mark and I were both featured by Forbes as 25 Professional Networking Experts to Watch in 2015 1. First Impressions last the longest John Corcoran spoke in episode 169 on what we can do to recover from a bad first impression 2. Practice the type of listening that makes a difference “...if you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener. To be interesting, be interested. Ask questions that other persons will enjoy answering. Encourage them to talk about themselves and their accomplishments.” -Dale Carnegie 3. Understand who people are by how they act 4. People like others who share their same interests 5. Do not hold your listener hostage 6. Remembering the conversation is crucial to growing the relationship Finally, follow-up by building upon your initial conversation and showing interest Learn more about
