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Dr. Ned Hallowell: ADHD AND LOVE -- Real Help For Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Children That Will Keep The Whole Family On Track



For a child with ADD/ADHD, even the simplest of tasks can be a huge struggle. And parents may find themselves worn down and frustrated with kids who seem "spacey" or "hyper" while needing constant reminders just to stay on track. But according to Ned Hallowell, psychiatrist and author of Superparenting For ADD, there is hope. And in this audio, you’ll hear how to find the strengths and talents of your ADD child, while also helping them stay focused and happy. According to Ned, love is the best (and most obvious) intervention, but unfortunately it’s also the one that may get lost along the way. Many kids with ADD encounter constant reprimands and reminders about how they’re doing things wrong. And as a result, their self-esteem may easily become damaged. But fortunately, ADD is manageable and shouldn’t hold a child back from achieving at any level. In fact, many famous artists, CEOs, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and athletes have ADD. And in this audio, you’ll hear how to help your child unwrap his tale