Hardtofindseminars.com Health And Wellness

Thyroid Disease - Do You Have It? Are You Sure You Don’t?



Many middle-aged women are affected by thyroid disease. Amazingly, many of these women do not even realize it. These women and their doctors often regard symptoms like hot flashes, fatigue, and weight gain as normal things that happen to women of their age. Mary Shomon, the author of The Menopause Thyroid Solution, says that these symptoms don't have to be a part of your life is you are a middle-aged woman. In this interview, Mary Shomon reveals the myths and mysteries surrounding the tiny gland which controls your energy and metabolism. Millions of people are walking around with undiagnosed and untreated thyroid conditions. They feel unhealthy, yet their doctors can't explain why. Don't let this happen to you. Listen to this interview with Mary Shomon today, and find out why you are feeling terrible, and what you can do about it. This is an exclusive interview from Michael Senoff's www.hardtofindsemianrs.com.