Hardtofindseminars.com Health And Wellness

The Diet That Could Ignite Your Energy And Save Your Life



Rip Esselstyn is a firefighter who has seen the devastating effects of a poor diet at every shift. He's seen heart disease, diabetes, cancer, strokes, and even 600-lb people who need help being lifted out of their own beds. And that was one of the reasons he wrote The Engine-2 Diet, a New York Times bestselling diet book that incorporates the same principles many champion athletes use for energy and stamina and does so without using any weird, where-do-I-find-these kinds of foods. It also doesn't include any meat. According to Rip, Americans are programmed to believe they need flesh and dairy in order to survive, when nothing is further from the truth. So he says its important that we wean ourselves off the bad while training ourselves to discover and enjoy the good. And Rip says once you see how great you'll feel after you start eating a better diet, you wont want to go back. And in this audio, you'll hear all about it. According to Rip, eating healthy doesn't mean you cant enjoy your favorite foods li