Hardtofindseminars.com Health And Wellness

Autism, Genes, Fingerprints And Caffeine - An Interview With Dr. Michael Roizen



If you thought caffeine was bad for you, think again. According to Dr. Roizen, best-selling author and co-creator of RealAge.com, you should drink at least six cups of coffee a day to reduce brain aging. In fact, he says there are 151 things you can do to change your rate of aging, and in this audio, you’ll hear many of them. Dr. Roizen also talks frankly about a number of health issues concerning people today including the rise in autism rates and its possible link to both the environment and genetics. Dr. Michael Roizen is an award-winning author and the chief wellness officer at the Cleveland Clinic. He completed a tour of duty in the Public Health Service and has 165 peer reviewed publications and 100 medical chapters, 14 US patents, started six companies, served on FDA advisory committees for 16 years, and chaired a U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisory committee. He became famous for developing the Real Age concept and has authored or coauthored five number one New York Times best sellers, inclu