Hardtofindseminars.com Health And Wellness

How To Reverse Aging And Disease With The Miracle Of Food!: An Interview With T. Colin Campbell



T. Colin Campbell’s book The China Study has been described as one of the most important books on nutrition ever. It is said that reading it could save your life. So in this interview, you’ll meet Dr. Campbell and hear exactly what makes his study so important. While trying to solve the problem of malnutrition in the Philippines, Dr. Campbell noticed that families who were eating the most protein were also suffering the most with diseases like cancer. This simple observation led to a 20-year study on the effects that diet has on disease, particularly cancer, heart disease and diabetes. And the results were not only astonishing, they went against Dr. Campbell’s own personal beliefs. But the good news is, you can eat your way to being disease-free, and in this interview you’ll hear how to do it. This is an exclusive interview from Michael Senoff's www.hardtofindseminars.com.