Concordia Sermons

Palm Sunday: Hold Your Donkeys!



Although the idiom "Hold your horses" is most commonly meant to encourage someone to slow down, it used to take on a more literal sense. In the days of horse drawn carriages, people would use this expression if a horse became unruly. It was an admonition to keep a horse in check. When Jesus rides into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, he enters on a colt "which no one has ever ridden" (verse 2). Unbroken colts were known to be difficult and unruly to ride because they were not used to carrying burdens. Unbroken animals were also known to be set aside for holy purposes (e.g., Numbers 19:2). Jesus, then, as the Holy One of Israel rides in on an animal set aside for God's holy purpose. The donkey has been held just for Him. Do you trust in Jesus as your Holy One?