Larisa English Club Podcast

Larisa English Club # 16 with Billgreen54



Download PDF Welcome to Larisa English Club #16 What’s in The News? Electric Cars Charge While Traveling Down The Highway. Speaking Practice. Making a Date. English Grammar. Comparative Adjectives. What’s in The News? Electric Cars Charge While Traveling Down The Highway. Volvo and other car manufacturers are getting closer to the day where  all they make is Electric. Gas and diesel have been the traditional  refueling method forever. It’s time for change. Ironically, Ford was the  first major US car manufacturer to build and lease a fleet of electric  vehicles over 20 years ago. Most of those cars ended up in the trash  compacter. Ford kept it quiet for many years. Now, they are far behind  the curve. Some types of innovation, you just can’t stop. For now, electric has found it’s way into the mainstream as the next  fuel. By 2024, some manufacturers will stop producing gas autos all  together. After that, it’s anyone's guess at what will be next. With ne