Larisa English Club Podcast

Larisa English Club #13 with Billgreen54



Download PDF Welcome to Larisa English Club #13 What’s New?  Climate Change and Global Warming Speaking Practice. Early in the Morning English Grammar. Present Perfect + Yet / Already / Just What’s New? Climate Change and Global Warming The world has one year to start making significant reductions in  greenhouse gas emissions or face the prospect of dangerous global  warming, experts have warned in an article in the prestigious journal  Nature.  Calling for world leaders to be guided by the scientific  evidence rather than “hide their heads in the sand”, they said “entire  ecosystems” were already beginning to collapse, summer sea ice was  disappearing in the Arctic and coral reefs were dying from the heat. The world could emit enough carbon to bust the Paris Agreement target  of between 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius in anything from four to 26 years  if current levels continue, the article said. Global emissions had been  rising rapidly but have pla