Larisa English Club Podcast

Larisa English Club #12 with Billgreen54



Download PDF Welcome to Larisa English Club #12 What’s New? Sentient Robots and The Future. Speaking Practice. Greetings in American English. English Grammar. Simple Past and Past Continuous. What’s New? Sentient Robots and The Future. Zombies and aliens may not be a realistic threat to our species. But  there’s one stock movie villain we can’t be so sanguine about: sentient  robots. If anything, their arrival is probably just a matter of time.  But what will a world of conscious machines be like? Will there be a  place in it for us? Artificial intelligence research has been going through a recent  revolution. AI systems can now outperform humans at playing chess and  Go, recognizing faces, and driving safely. Even so, most researchers say  truly conscious machines — ones that don’t just run programs but have  feelings and are self-aware — are decades away. First, the reasoning  goes, researchers have to build a generalized intelligence, a single &nb