Wdw-memories: Relive That Walt Disney World Magic

Memory 018a - Information Update



Hello, and welcome to a special information episode of the Walt Disney World Memories Podcast. My name is Lou, and I’ll once again be your host. Today’s show is a bit different from the norm. I feel I owe you an explanation as to why there haven’t been any shows for the past month. Well, about a month ago, the worst thing that could possibly happen to the podcast did. I dropped my laptop and broke my hard drive to the point where it was no longer readable. Now the data was able to be retrieved, but it has cost me more than what I initially paid for the laptop. The worst part is, that hard drive was the only place I had for my Disney World Audio archives (i.e. I no longer have audio to play). I also lost all your emails with your requests and consequently my planned show schedule. I know your probably thinking, “Lou why not just record some more audio on your next trip to Disney World?” Well the answer is simple really. My next trip probably won’t be for a couple more years. Traci and I are expecting the birth