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Idea Jungle - The Kim Kardarshian Branding Plan: Using social media to brand your business and stay relevant



Branding is a huge part of making a dent in today's very crowded business world. As technology allows people to enter the marketplace more easily, it's important to have a clear, strong brand that stands out.   For instance, Kim Kardarshian is definitely social media branding royalty and has no trouble garnering attention. She uses every way possible to keep people interested in her and her family's brands. A  recent example occurred a few weeks ago, when she posted yet another nude picture of herself. Even Bette Midler had to respond. Whether you agree with Kim's approach or not, you can't argue that she always manages to be at the forefront of conversation, even if you don't believe that there's a talent to justify it.   In this episode of Idea Jungle, the Mentor and the Visionary discuss the importance of social media in building a brand that succeeds in today's world. Even with limited resources, as long as you develop a solid plan, social media will help you grow a strong brand and business.