The Leadx Leadership Show With Kevin Kruse

Here’s Why You Should Throw Your Business Plan Away | Carl Schramm



Carl Schramm is a Syracuse University Professor and former president of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. He was a member of the President’s National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. His new book is Burn the Business Plan: What Great Entrepreneurs Really Do. Resources: * – Website * @CarlSchramm – Twitter * Buy his book, Burn the Business Plan: What Great Entrepreneurs Really Do Sponsored by: * – subscribe to become 1% better every single day Subscribe on iTunes to join our VIP Club: Please click here to subscribe on iTunes, and leave a quick rating. Nothing matters more for bringing the podcast to the attention of others. After you subscribe and leave a review, send an email to info at leadx dot org to let us know, and we’ll invite you into the private LEADx VIP Group on Facebook. Group members are eligible for ridiculously good prizes each month, have special access to me and LEADx guests, discounts on live events, and of course it’s a g