SteamLUG Cast

s04e09?– Still No Powerglove Support



DerRidda, Mohero, and Cheese talk about new software releases and announcements in Linux gaming. Introduction 00:00:15 @ValiantCheese introduces 00:00:17 @Jasey_Wasey 00:00:19 @DerRidda Our Gaming 00:00:35 @DerRidda has been playing Saints Row 2 [] and Saints Row: The Third [] 00:00:48 @Jasey_Wasey has been playing Windward [] and War Thunder [] 00:01:09 @ValiantCheese has been playing Left 4 Dead 2 [], Windward [], and Guns of Icarus Online [] Assault Android Cactus [], Crypt of the NecroDancer [], and Hand of Fate [] on the side, along with games from LowRezJam [] SteamLUG Community Stuff 00:01:40 Past Events King Arthu