SteamLUG Cast

s01e14?– A Nuclear Dawn is upon us



Cheese, John and DerRidda are joined by InterWave developer and Nuclear Dawn porter psychonic! Listen on as we chat about working with the Source engine, Unity, Dark Matter, Nuclear Dawn, Black Mesa, the Linux Game Awards, and more! Introduction 00:00:12 Cheese @ValiantCheese introduces 00:00:15 @johndrinkwater attends to the cast 00:00:17 @DerRidda is also present 00:00:24 psychonic ([]) join us Interview w/ Special Guest Nicholas Hastings (psychonic), porter of Nuclear Dawn 00:01:15 The basics of Nuclear Dawn Nuclear Dawn [] 00:03:54 Previous experience SourceMod [] 00:04:36 Working with InterWave [] 00:05:51 How long have you been working with InterWave? 00:06:30 Has working with the Source SDK on Linux differed from working with it on Windows? [] 00:08:45 What aspects of Dark Matter did you work on? Dark Matter [] 00:09:05 Pro