Moving Pixels Podcast

Moving Pixels Podcast: Holla Back with 'Fat Ugly or Slutty?'



With an intentionally provocative name, Fat, Ugly or Slutty? has become a hit among readers for highlighting the sort of over-the-top trashtalk women gamers experience. From the cliched to the farcical and even the truly sad, FUoS is one part Why Was I Banned?, one part Hollaback, and eight parts "you have to read it to believe it."   We managed to track down three of the four FUoS admins-gtz, likeOMGitsFEDAY and inklesspen-a few weeks before PAX Prime to talk about the origins of the site, their own gaming experiences, and some of their favorite submissions. We also ponder a few meaningful questions about the state of online gaming-and what a site like Fat, Ugly or Slutty? can mean for it.   If you are attending the Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle at the end of the month, be sure to pay these fantastic ladies (and gentleman) a visit at their panel! Date, time and location forthcoming on the Fat, Ugly or Slutty? website.