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5 Common Pieces of Misinformation about Google Ads & Their Corrections



[5 Common Pieces of Misinformation about Google Ads & Their Corrections with Brad Geddes, the Founder of AdAlysis, an automated PPC ad testing and quality score analysis platform, an official AdWords Seminar Leader, and author of Advanced Google AdWords. Google Ads is so complicated that it often leads to incorrect assumptions as to how certain things work. When one authority site writes about one of these features incorrectly, it is often considered true and the misinformation quickly spreads and many marketers end up with poor information. Whenever you see some truly terrible search terms in your account, it’s either a result of Google not understanding your exact match keywords properly or the usage of true broad match. The most understood usage of broad match is when you have search terms that are in two different languages at once. We see in many countries search terms that are in English and Arabic, German and English, etc. When a search term is in multiple languages, the best way to target them i