Church On The Rock Homer

Good Job Job



Job |3| Randy Weisser "Job and Genesis tie for being my favorite book of the Bible. In terms of the number of notes scribbled in the margins of my Bible, Job comes out ahead (using that metric). Job is such a unique book among all the other Bible books. We don’t know who Job is, we don’t know where he comes from, and we don’t even know who wrote the story. It begins with this powerful, explosive left hook to the jaw out of nowhere which sends Job, and us, reeling. Then we go along for the agonizing, wrenching journey as Job spends 40 chapters trying to figure out what just happened. We then discover that, all along that journey, there are gems to be discovered that help us understand who God is and how much he values His relationship with us. Join us this Sunday for the last in this three part series from the Book of Job. Randy Weisser"