Front Row: Archive 2014

Terry Gilliam and Edward Gardner, Joshua Ferris, Clean Bandit



Fruitvale Station is the debut film from director Ryan Coogler and it won the Grand Jury Prize and Audience Award at Sundance in 2013. It narrates the last day in the life of Oscar Grant, a young African American man who was shot by transport police in California on New Year's Day in 2009. Gaylene Gould reviews the film. Clean Bandit scored a number one with their single Rather Be which fused classical music with electronic dance rhythms. As they release their debut album, they discuss how they found their musical style and the reaction from the classical world. Terry Gilliam is returning to the English National Opera to direct Berlioz's Benvenuto Cellini, teaming up again with music director Edward Gardner. Terry and Edward discuss the director/conductor relationship and the appeal of Berlioz's seldom performed work. Author Joshua Ferris, best known for his debut novel Then We Came to the End, discusses his latest book, To Rise Again at a Decent Hour. Set in a Manhattan dental practice, it explores faith, be