Cornerstone Community Church, San Jose Ca

What Do I Stand For - Church and State - Audio



“There are two things you should never talk about,” I was told as I was growing up: “Religion and politics.” And to show you how well I learned my lesson, there are two things I want to talk about this morning – religion and politics. Specifically I want to talk about what we believe as a church and as an affiliation of churches about our involvement in politics and the relationship between the church and the government. If you go to our website and click on the “What We Believe” tab, you will find a section called “Religious Liberty.” It begins with this statement: “We believe that every human being is responsible to God alone in all matters in the practice of faith.” And what that simply means is that we don’t believe the government should tell us how to live the Christian life. The government should not dictate religious beliefs or religious practices. I imagine you’re quite aware that it doesnȁ